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In this issue
Panorama puts the spotlight on the arts and culture sector in the EU’s outermost regions and overseas countries and territories

From traditional canoes in the Pacific islands, to hip hop culture in French Guiana and a digital museum on Curacao, the EU-funded project has helped promote art, culture, and heritage in the EU’s outermost regions and overseas countries and territories.

iMAL presents its new infrastructures in new infrastructures in Brussels

iMAL, the Brussels-based center for digital culture and technology, unveils its new infrastructures after several years of renovation and expansion works. The inauguration is taking place on Wednesday, June 7, and is bringing together important figures from the political and cultural scene of the region. The project has received a financial contribution of 1.4 million EUR from the European Union (ERDF).

Matériaupôle Chérioux: Fostering Material Innovation in the Parisian Region

On 6th June, Matériaupôle proudly unveiled its new collaborative workspace, marking a significant milestone for the cluster dedicated to advancing cutting-edge projects in the Île-de-France region. The project has received a financial contribution of €65,000 from the European Union (ERDF).

Discovering Europe – three young journalists embark on a train trip to discover Europe’s people, projects and places

Three young European journalists set off on a two-week train trip to discover EU-funded projects, locals and their cities in five countries. They will visit Krakow, Katowice (Poland), Olomouc (Czechia), Vienna, Graz (Austria), Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy).

New regional campaign - South region

New regional campaign - South region

€120 million call for urban innovation projects

EU Cohesion Policy helps innovating our cities. The European Urban Initiative (EUI) launched a second call for proposals worth €120 million for innovative projects that should develop and test new solutions to tackling current urban challenges.

Apply now for C4T GROUNDWORK – the new technical assistance for cohesion for sustainable transitions

The European Commission will roll out support to EU regions in advancing sustainability transitions in the European Union. This is part of the Cohesion for Transitions (C4T) Community of Practice bringing together relevant stakeholders engaged in the implementation of sustainability transitions with ERDF and CF funds.

New report highlights that a cohesive development of regions is key for the EU's growth agenda

The Commission has adopted a report on regional trends for growth and convergence in the EU showing that Europe has experienced a significant dynamic of upward convergence over the last 20 years.

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