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Matériaupôle Chérioux: Fostering Material Innovation in the Parisian Region

  • 06 June 2023
Matériaupôle Chérioux: Fostering Material Innovation in the Parisian Region

On 6th June, Matériaupôle will proudly unveil its new collaborative workspace, marking a significant milestone for the cluster dedicated to advancing cutting-edge projects in the Île-de-France region. The project has received a financial contribution of €65,000 from the European Union (ERDF).

Matériaupôle, located in Vitry-sur-Seine, France, has been a prominent cluster supporting projects in the field of materials and processes in the Île-de-France region since 2009. With a network of 80 members, the organization embarked on an ambitious endeavor in 2019 to expand its support for project leaders in these domains through a tailor-made initiative called Matériaupôle Chérioux.

Situated in the Chérioux domain, this EU co-funded project aims to shape the future of education and innovation in the region. The site benefits from its proximity to the Créteil Vitry University Institute of Technology (IUT) and the Ecocampus for building and the ICMPE laboratory (CNRS - UPEC). Matériaupôle Chérioux is set to become a hub for academic and private sector collaboration, fostering the emergence of initiatives related to materials and processes, including design, eco-materials, art crafts, additive manufacturing, bioproduction, and biotechnology.

Matériaupôle has taken the lead in developing this innovative workspace with the support of SADEV94 and the Val-de-Marne Departmental Council. The project has garnered additional support from the Grand Orly Seine Bièvre and the city of Vitry-sur-Seine.

Matériaupôle Chérioux aims to create an environment where academic expertise and private sector engagement converge. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, it seeks to catalyze the development of innovative projects in the realm of materials and processes. The project offers a unique ecosystem for entrepreneurs and innovators to thrive. The facilities will provide access to cutting-edge resources, including state-of-the-art laboratories, prototyping equipment, and collaborative spaces.

“The European funds obtained were essential for Matériaupôle to embark on the project to create its second collaborative workspace at Chérioux. These funds, in addition to other financing sources, enabled the project to be expanded while reducing the financial risk for Matériaupôle.

This new collaborative workspace will provide enhanced support to the network members, offering dedicated infrastructure that includes office spaces, experimental areas, meeting rooms, and a fablab workshop.”

  • Arnaud BOUSQUET – Director of the Matériaupôle


For further information, please contact Matériaupôle at