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Discovering Europe – three young journalists embark on a train trip to discover Europe’s people, projects and places

  • 02 June 2023
Discovering Europe – three young journalists embark on a train trip to discover Europe’s people, projects and places

Today three young European journalists set off on a two-week train trip to discover EU-funded projects, locals and their cities in five countries. They will visit Krakow, Katowice (Poland), Olomouc (Czechia), Vienna, Graz (Austria), Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy).

The #EUinMyRegion Train Trip is an initiative that aims to offer the three young journalists an unforgettable journey of discovery through Europe and its remarkable EU-funded projects. Over the course of the trip, they will immerse themselves in the vibrant cultures of the seven cities, capture stunning images, attend local events, and engage with locals about their cities and communities. The route they will follow ensures a diverse representation of Europe and showcases various areas of EU support, such as just transition, culture, urban development, and SMEs.

The three travellers are Ani Arveladze (video journalist at Euronews Georgia), Laura Bannier (Deputy Chief Editor of, Luxembourg) and Mateja Kelemenic (journalist at HRT Radio, Croatia). Last year they won the Megalizzi – Niedzielski Prize for Aspiring Journalists and the Youth4Regions Photo Competition.

During their trip Ani, Laura and Mateja will inspire other young Europeans to choose train travelling, an eco-friendlier travel option, by demonstrating its ease and accessibility across borders. They will also prove that EU funded projects are all around the corner in every city.


More information

Follow Ani, Laura and Mateja’s travel diary on #EUinMyRegion Train Trip and the EUinMyRegion social media channels (InstagramFacebook and Twitter).