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Study on Organisational models of programme authorities managing EU Cohesion policy 2000-2020: presentation of results (21 March 2024)

How has the organisation of managing authorities changed from 2000 until today? If you are interested to know and you would like to share your experience, please register to the event

date:  21/03/2024

venue:  online & Albert Borschette Congress Centre

Organiser:  DG REGIO - Competence Centre for Administrative Capacity Building


The study looked at change in the organisational model of managing authorities between 2000 and 2020. The analysis focuses on staff, processes and internal organisation, leadership and management of relations with partners. It also looks at the external environment which might affect the organisation of managing authorities, like EU regulations, national and institutional context, socio-economic factors. It will then try to provide an explanation of changes in the organisation and to project the results of the analysis in term of potential organisational challenges for implementation of current programming period and in preparation of the following programming period.

The study is based on the in-depth analysis of 33 managing authorities and intermediate bodies from 13 EU member states and a survey covering 174 ERDF managing authorities in 2014-2020. The study does not cover Interreg.

Prof. John Bachtler (EPRC) and Prof. NakrošisVitalis (PPMI) and their collaborators will present:

  • Results from the in-depth analysis and from the survey
  • Factors influencing organisational development and changes of MA models in 2000-2020
  • Organisational challenges for MAs in 2021-2027

The presentation of the outcome of the study will be followed by discussion with participants in the room and online and with representatives of present and former senior management of Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy:

  • Nicola De Michelis, Deputy Director General (acting)
  • Graham Meadows, former Director General
  • Walter Deffaa, former Director General
  • Vittoria Alliata, former Director