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Coronavirus Dashboard: EU Cohesion Policy response to the coronavirus crisis

The Commission has announced the first provisional results of the implementation of the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative (CRII) and Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative Plus (CRII+).

date:  14/10/2020

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From the beginning of the crisis, and thanks to the flexibility introduced in the Cohesion Policy, the EU mobilised over €13 billion in investments to tackle the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Cohesion Fund (CF). The EU funds helped national, regional and local communities in countering the negative socio-economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. 

In total, €4.1 billion have been reallocated towards healthcare to purchase vital machinery and personal protective equipment to save lives. €8.4 billion have been mobilised through issuing grants, loans and a series of personalised financial instruments to support the economy and, in particular, Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) to adapt to the crisis. Finally, around €1.4 billion have been channelled through the ESF to help people and save jobs. 

To ensure maximum transparency and accountability, the Commission launches today a dedicated webpage on the Cohesion Open Data Platform to show how the EU Cohesion policy is supporting Member States to overcome the coronavirus crisis. With daily updates, the platform will show all information regarding programme amendments, where the resources are going and how these are invested. With a constant update, the overview of the platform will become everyday more complete. 

For More information

EU cohesion policy action against coronavirus

Cohesion Open Data Platform and Coronavirus dashboard