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Engaging citizens in cohesion policy: new call for propsals for civil society organisations published

You are a civil society organisation and you are convinced that citizen engagement can improve public governance and ensure stronger sense of ownership? We need your creative ideas to encourage and support a genuine and meaningful participation of citizens in planning, implementing and monitoring EU-funded projects. The Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) is seeking proposals to support innovative ideas and initiatives for promoting citizen engagement in the design and/or implementation and/or monitoring of cohesion policy. The selected projects will promote active participation of citizens at the level of an operational programme, of a policy objective covered by the programme and/or of a within the specific objective.

date:  18/03/2020

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You are a civil society organisation and you are convinced that citizen engagement can improve public governance and ensure stronger sense of ownership? We need your creative ideas to encourage and support a genuine and meaningful participation of citizens in planning, implementing and monitoring EU-funded projects. 

The Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) is seeking proposals to support innovative ideas and initiatives for promoting citizen engagement in the design and/or implementation and/or monitoring of cohesion policy. The selected projects will promote active participation of citizens at the level of an operational programme, of a policy objective covered by the programme and/or of a within the specific objective.

Priority will be given to project proposals that will:

  • Develop new tools or actions that support citizen engagement in cohesion policy; and/or
  • Support scaling up of existing tools or activities for strengthening and widening citizen engagement in cohesion policy
  • Grants will be up to EUR 25.000 covering max 85% of eligible costs. The total budget is EUR 250.000.

The deadline to submit your proposal is 31 May 2020. 

More information on the call and how to submit a proposal

See also:

High-level conference “Engaging citizens for good governance in Cohesion Policy”

Call for expression of interest for managing authorities and intermediate bodies to participate in a pilot action on engaging citizens in the implementation of cohesion policy