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IVY volunteers on the frontiers of cooperation in Italy-Slovenia

Here we find out how IVY volunteers experienced and enriched European Cooperation Day in Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and report on the benefits of European Territorial Cooperation through the example of sustainable mobility

date:  19/12/2018

Piero Graziano (25) and Andrea Luzzini (27) from Italy are in the middle of their 6 months volunteering experience at the Interreg Programme Italy-Slovenia within the framework of “Interreg Volunteer Youth”. Through their activities they help with disseminating information on the benefits of European territorial integration on the ground, through reporting successful Interreg projects via interviews, newsletters, events and social media.

In September they participated in  European Cooperation Day in Nova Gorica (Slovenia) where the Interreg  project Isonzo-Soča was presented. The project is aimed at establishing a network of walking and cycle paths, including a new bridge across the river Isonzo/Soča.  This cross-border urban park is designed to promote sustainable mobility between two cities, Gorizia (Italy) and Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and to encourage an alternative form of tourism. Piero and Andrea contributed to the visibility of the project by writing a report accompanied by photos and videos: “We are glad to support the spreading of information about the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia Programme in this area. We believe that Interreg Programmes need to be boosted and highlighted, especially where their projects gain good results in improving the everyday lives of many European citizens.”