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Conference on Good Governance for Cohesion Policy – boosting quality of institutions for the present and the future

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) is organising a conference "Good Governance for Cohesion Policy" which will take place on 24 May 2018 in Brussels, in the Charlemagne building. The aim is to bring together top decision-makers and experts from Member States and EU institutions to debate and reflect upon achievements and future challenges of boosting administrative capacity in the field of management and investment of European Structural and Investment Funds, as well as to identify ways to further strengthen the link between quality of institutions and sound and effective investments for the future cohesion policy beyond 2020. The conference will be opened by Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Creţu and Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria Tomislav Donchev.

date:  15/03/2018

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The European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) is organising a conference "Good Governance for Cohesion Policy" which will take place on 24 May 2018 in Brussels, in the Charlemagne building.  The aim is to bring together top decision-makers and experts from Member States and EU institutions to debate and reflect upon achievements and future challenges of boosting administrative capacity in the field of management and investment of European Structural and Investment Funds, as well as to identify ways to further strengthen the link between quality of institutions and sound and effective investments for the future cohesion policy beyond 2020.

The event is part of a broader Commission priority initiative to ensure effectiveness of EU funds on the ground and is in line with the Reflection Paper on the future of the EU Finances and the 7th Cohesion Report.

The conference will be opened by Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Creţu and Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria Tomislav Donchev. The agenda will also include a keynote speech from the Deputy Secretary-General of OECD Mari Kiviniemi and the participation of many other high-level representatives of institutions from EU, national and regional level.

The conference targets mainly decision-makers and experts involved in cohesion policy from national, regional and EU levels, representatives of international organisations and academia. Participation is upon registration by 27 April 2018.

To register and download the agenda, visit the conference website.