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Spread the word: your input on the future of Cohesion Policy is needed

This is a crucial time for the future of cohesion policy. The European Commission is currently working on proposals for the next generation of EU Funds and Programmes to be financed by the EU budget from 2021. These proposals will set priorities for investments in the context of growing challenges facing the EU, and increasing competition for resources. Now is the time to make your voice heard; what should be the priorities when designing our future policy? The Commission has launched recently several on-line public consultations to collect the opinions and ideas of all interested parties and citizens on how to make the most of the EU budget. The consultations will inform the preparation of the Commission’s proposals. We strongly encourage you to share your views via the on-line consultation on cohesion policy, available in all EU languages and open until 8 March.

date:  24/01/2018

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This is a crucial time for the future of cohesion policy. The European Commission is currently working on proposals for the next generation of EU Funds and Programmes to be financed by the EU budget from 2021. These proposals will set priorities for investments in the context of growing challenges facing the EU, and increasing competition for resources.

Now is the time to make your voice heard; what should be the priorities when designing our future policy? The Commission has launched recently several on-line public consultations to collect the opinions and ideas of all interested parties and citizens on how to make the most of the EU budget. The consultations will inform the preparation of the Commission’s proposals. We strongly encourage you to share your views via the on-line consultation on cohesion policy, available in all EU languages and open until 8 March.

Please note:

  • if you are responding to the consultation in a personal capacity, tick the 1st answer point 1 and the survey will lead you immediately to points 27 to 40.
  • if you are responding in your professional capacity or on behalf of an entity, tick the 2nd answer to point 1  and the survey will lead you to through some preliminary questions before answering the common questions from  point 27 to 40

In either case it is possible to skip the non-mandatory questions and upload a document <1 MB under point 41 and enter any other comments under point 42.

Support for cohesion policy has been mounting all around the EU and thousands of stakeholders have expressed support to the Cohesion Alliance Declaration and joined the Alliance by signing the on-line petition. The Alliance is a coalition of those who believe that EU cohesion policy is fundamental for the EU. #CohesionAlliance recognises the essential role this policy plays in reducing regional disparities, creating jobs, opening new business opportunities and addressing major global issues such as climate change and migration. It demands that the EU budget after 2020 makes cohesion policy stronger, more effective, visible and available for every region in the European Union.

Please spread the information regarding the public consultation and the declaration far and wide among your networks, including among direct beneficiaries of cohesion policy.

Your input will be highly appreciated and help the Commission design an effective cohesion policy for the coming decade.