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Urban Agenda for the EU: Launch of the Public Feedback

The Urban Agenda for the EU has significantly progressed in the past month. The launch of the Public Feedback represents an important step for the four pilot Partnerships. This Public Feedback, together with the Background Papers, are open to contributions from all stakeholders. Through the Public Feedback you are invited to provide your views on the draft actions proposed in the Background Paper by the Partnerships. This feedback will be used by the Partnerships for the preparation of the final Action Plan. Have your say and join the Public Feedback!

date:  13/07/2017

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The Urban Agenda for the EU has significantly progressed in the past month. The launch of the Public Feedback represents an important step for the four pilot Partnerships. This Public Feedback, together with the Background Papers, are open to contributions from all stakeholders.

Through the Public Feedback you are invited to provide your views on the draft actions proposed in the Background Paper by the Partnerships. This feedback will be used by the Partnerships for the preparation of the final Action Plan. Have your say and join the Public Feedback!

All interested stakeholders (e.g. institutions and authorities, academies and research centres, companies, NGOs, experts and citizens…) are invited to contribute by sharing their knowledge and commenting the actions developed by the Partnerships. You can contribute anonymously!

The Public Feedback of the four pilot Partnerships is taking place during the summer of 2017. The Action Plans will be officially presented and discussed in October. Stay tune and follow the Urban Agenda on Futurium and Twitter!

Take a look at the Background Paper of the Partnerships ready for their Public Feedback:​

Join the Public Feedback on Urban Poverty

Join the Public Feedback on Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees