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A new call for proposals focusing on the protection of public spaces

The Commission has published a new call for proposals for € 3 million under the Internal Security Fund-Police.

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Deadline:  28/11/2019

The Commission has published a new call for proposals for € 3 million under the Internal Security Fund-Police to fund projects improving the protection of public spaces in line with the EU Action Plan to support the protection of public spaces.

Project proposals submitted under the call must be aiming to achieve one or more of the following outcomes:

  • Development and implementation of the good practices listed in the Commission Staff Working Document Good practices to support the protection of public spaces in the areas of:
    • Vulnerability assessments and planning
    • Awareness and training
    • Physical protection, and
    • Coordination and cooperation between public and private stakeholders;
  • Enhancing the protection of public spaces through development, implementation and roll-out of new security solutions, trainings, exercises, sharing of best practices and awareness raising activities.

Considering that successful implementation of the EU Action Plan to support the protection of public spaces requires cooperation between public and private actors, project proposals submitted by consortia composed of public and private entities will be particularly welcomed.

Deadline for applications: 28 November 2019

Submit your proposal online here