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PMO IT Corner

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The First Edition Is Here!
Welcome to the PMO IT Corner! This piece of news will enter your mailbox every three months to provide you with all the latest updates on the PMO’s IT portfolio.

Have you ever wondered what is involved in maintaining the PMO’s IT systems, what ‘business quality’ refers to, and how you can best equip your accounts with effective cybersecurity methods? The PMO IT Corner is the best place to find out about all of these topics and more.

Post reorganisation, lots of new initiatives and activities have been launched in PMO.6. The unit as a whole is striving to uphold strong communication and collaboration with the rest of the PMO teams. One such initiative is this quarterly publication. Another has been the implementation of regular Change Advisory Board (ChAB) meetings. Each business domain has its own ChAB which serve as a forum for the business to express their needs for IT developments and to prioritise on how the changes should take place. The teams have also been brainstorming to explore different ways of improving the use of Sharepoint Online, M365 and MS Teams throughout the PMO.

If you have any questions that come to mind whilst navigating through each article, feel free to always direct them to PMO.6 at

Happy reading 😊!

Horizontal Projects & Services
Submit A Reimbursement Request In 1 Minute!

Through PMO Mobile, you can submit a request for several different kinds of medical expenses, manage your mission details, and view your account sheets all in one place. Make sure you keep it bookmarked on your phone today.

Be EUL4L ready!
Continue Accessing Important Applications With EU Login For Life

The success of the project EU Login For Life (EUL4L) means that colleagues who are registered in SYSPER can continue to access important applications after their end of service with their current EU Login account. Make sure you are EUL4L ready today!

IT Support
Reduce Cybersecurity Risks With Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication is being deployed to provide more protection to your accounts. Luckily, the EU Login app is the Commission’s simplified way for you to apply this second layer of authentication when completing your login.

Centralised Access Rights And A New PMO IT Support Form

Gaining access to PMO IT applications can be done through one single, location. Watch the video now to learn how quick and easy it now is to send a request for access.

Upgrade To WELCOME Before The End Of 2022

Contact for assistance in completing your migration to WELCOME.

Payroll and Debt Management
The Business Of Payroll Throughout 2022

Now in production for 20 years, the payroll system of the European Institutions continues to improve and evolve in order to support a growing population of staff and post-active clients.

Manage Your Banking Information With Payment Factory’s Front Office

Payment Factory is a master of communication – whether it be with ABAC, SUMMA or external systems such as CZ, this system has the functionalities in place to ensure streamlined and centralised flows of data for each of our IT systems. The new front office allows you to manage your banking information directly.

Individual Rights Management
The Systems Behind The Management Of Rights

Discover some of the recent achievements of SYSPER Rights, SYSPER Post Activity & PABS.

Business Quality
The Business Quality Team - An Essential Role Within The PMO

The Business Quality team acts as the main link between the colleagues of the PMO, the teams and DIGIT. Find out more about the important role of this team.

Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme
The IT Tools Behind The Important Business Of JSIS

Read about the ongoing IT projects that are striving to improve the lives of all beneficiaries of JSIS.

Missions and Authorised Travel
Modern Developments To Improve Your Mission Experience

With new screens, automatic calculations, and greater insights into travel data, the MiPS tool continues to grow and modernize.

Experts and Candidates
New Back Office Makeover

The back office of the AGM tool is getting a redesign with a modern look and feel, which is expected to come into reality by the end of 2022.

Transformations – moving forward
Modernising The Future HR IT Landscape

What is this HRT all about? Find out in this article what this big programme aims to achieve and why it is important for us all to follow.


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