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Modernising The Future HR IT Landscape

What is this HRT all about? Find out in this article what this big programme aims to achieve and why it is important for us all to follow.

date:  22/11/2022

The HR Transformation Programme (HRT) is a HR Family-led (HR, PMO, EPSO, OIB, OIL with DIGIT) initiative to modernise and transform the needs of the Commission and other EU institutions. The Commission's new Human Resources (HR) Strategy presents a common vision for a modern, flexible and values-driven organisation that empowers staff to deliver outstanding results for European citizens.

Through the implementation of the HR Strategy, the HRT programme aims to embrace the opportunities provided by emerging technologies to digitally transform services, the delivery model, the underlying business processes and to turn data into business insights. 

The programme has been running many key activities over the last few months. The PMO has been working with the other members of the HR Family to coordinate these activities and to provide our expertise. The first phase of this programme is a preparatory phase in 2022, which aims to demonstrate and test the functionalities of the future platform, to validate the main assumptions and to address any key concerns and risks. This corresponds with the orange dotted box on the left in the timeline above. The primary objectives are to:

  1. Determine whether the selected solutions of the future platform, SAP SuccessFactors and ServiceNow, will meet the business requirements of the HR family domain including interinstitutional capabilities. Both of these solutions are cloud-based systems, allowing us to adopt the best practices from the market and to utilize modern and efficient technologies that can simplify, harmonise and streamline many of our current processes.
  2. Create a 'baseline architecture' which includes a framework the main capabilities and data sets of the HR family function
  3. Confirm that the solutions of the new platforms can form seamless integrations with the legacy systems in the transition phase
  4. Assess and validate the safety and flexibility of any cloud-based technologies in the new platform

But why is this important? This phase is important to carry out to demonstrate to corporate governance that the capabilities tested are proven to work before the complete roll-out of the programme begins in the next few years. One key thing to note is that for the moment, this is all discovery and exploratory work – nothing will change overnight.

What does this mean for us in PMO? This preparatory phase gives us the unique opportunity to step back and reflect on the setup of our current business processes, to see where improvements can be made and to see what new technologies can offer that can help improve the way we work.

Checkout some recent demos that were published which can give you more insight into this programme and what the future could hold for the HR IT platform.