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Second Meeting of the LDS User Group

The second meeting of the LDS User Group took place on 12 June 2024. Roughly 50 participants from 38 different organisations and companies from all over Europe joined the online meeting to dive deeper into the first LDS prototype, its general architecture, as well as its functions and features.

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date:  12/07/2024

The meeting consisted of three parts: an introduction to the LDS initiative for new members provided by project coordinator Georg Rehm (DFKI), a conceptual and technical presentation of the LDS prototype including a demo by Stelios Piperidis and Penny Labropoulou (both ILSP) and a poll collecting feedback on the relevance of single features and functions for the LDS User Group members.

The introductory presentation highlighted, among others, data products and their monetisation. If Europe aims to become a significant player within the data economy, European companies and institutions need to recognise the value they have readily available in the form of spoken or written language data, and that they can easily make available or even monetise these data sets.

The Language Data Space is a decentralised infrastructure that establishes a digital marketplace for data assets in Europe, fully complying to European legislation while keeping providers in control of their data. The demo of the first LDS Connector prototype was received with a lot of interest by the audience.

The interactive session gave the participants the opportunity to provide their feedback about the relevance of individual features and functions for their own organisation or company (see here for more details). This feedback will be used to adapt the development of the infrastructure to the needs of the community.

Are you an industry stakeholder in need of language data? Or do you want to share the language data of your organisation, potentially monetising it? We would be happy to welcome you in the LDS User Group! You can join using this form.