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On 27 June, META-FORUM 2023 took place in Brussels, Belgium, with over 120 attendees, bringing together experts, stakeholders, and decision makers from academia, research, public administration and industry.


date:  05/07/2023

See alsoConference webpage

The event programme covered topics such as European Language Equality, the role of national and regional language institutes, pilot projects and their results, European Large Language Models, national language technology and AI programmes in Europe, and the relationship between ELE, the LDS, and ALT-EDIC.

The conference showcased key aspects of the European Language Equality (ELE) project, dedicated to promoting full digital language equality in Europe, placing emphasis on its results such as the revised Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and the roadmap aimed at reaching the goal of full digital language equality in Europe by 2030.

After lively sessions and fruitful discussions about European Large Language Models and National Language Technology and AI Programmes in Europe, the last META-FORUM session was dedicated to the Language Data Space (LDS) and how it relates to ELE and the ALT-EDIC.

The overall project presentation by LDS coordinator Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany) was completed by Thibault Grouas (General Delegation for the French Language and the Languages of France, France), who gave an overview on the ALT-EDIC (Alliance for Language Technologies European Digital Infrastructure Consortium) presenting its goals and evolution. Finally, Philippe Gelin, Head of the Multilingualism Sector in DG CONNECT at the European Commission, ventured a glimpse into the future of Data Spaces beyond the LDS and ALT-EDIC.

We want to thank everyone for attending, contributing, and participating in fruitful discussions at this year’s event. Videos of all presentations and panels will be uploaded on the ELG YouTube Channel in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!