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What is a Data Space?

Find out more about the concepts behind Common European Data Spaces.

date:  13/06/2023

In the European Strategy for data, the European Commission underlined that citizens, but also businesses and the public, can be empowered through the use of data to make better decisions. To release the potential of the ever-increasing amounts of data produced in Europe on a daily basis, users must thus be put in the condition to trust the way in which the data are collected and used.

In this context, the creation of a strong European Data Spaces ecosystem is seen as an opportunity to 'ensure better access to data and its responsible usage'.

But what exactly is a Data Space?

Simply put, it’s a framework that supports data sharing within a data ecosystem. It provides a clear structure for participants to share, trade, and collaborate on data assets in a way that is compliant with relevant laws and regulations and ensures fair treatment for all involved. (Source: Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC) website)

The creation of Common Data Spaces will enable the sharing and re-use of data within and across different sectors. This can contribute to building a globally competitive data market, based on the strong EU legal framework for protection of personal data and intellectual rights, safety, and cyber-security – and can, in turn, lead to an increased use of and demand for data and data-enabled products and services throughout Europe.

Building and maintaining Data Spaces in a way that meets the needs of providers and users from various sectors and with different scopes and backgrounds might pose a number of challenges.



Looking into the Language Technologies field, it becomes clear what a turning point Data Spaces represent for the collection of high-quality data. Let's see what the strengths of this endeavour are.