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Katharina von Schnurbein addresses the Ben Gurion University of the Negev on combating antisemitism

22 May 2024 - Katharina von Schnurbein visited the Ben Gurion University of the Negev where she addressed students and faculty as well as the Board of governors on efforts made by the EU to fight antisemitism in all its forms through its Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life.

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Combating antisemitism

date:  12/06/2024

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She also visited the Simone Veil Research Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society and the National Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence.

As part of her visit, the University bestowed upon Katharina von Schnurbein an Honorary Doctorate in recognition "for her unhesitating efforts to formulate and implement a policy to eradicate antisemitism in Europe, and her wholehearted belief in the importance of equal opportunities and peace among all people of all faiths".

Referring to the award, Ms. von Schnurbein stated:

“It is a tremendous honor to receive this honorary doctorate from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. And it humbles me because as an EU official and a citizen, I am simply doing my job. Amidst the current tsunami of antisemitism, I am determined to use all tools at hand at the European Commission to work towards a society free from antisemitism and all forms of hatred, and speak up against injustice and discrimination, so that Jewish life in Europe can flourish. Close cooperation with leading universities such as BGU is an invaluable asset in this striving.” 

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