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Opening event of the 5th European Diversity Month

European Diversity Month kicked off with a vibrant opening event on 25 April in Brussels. Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli, alongside key figures and stakeholders committed to promoting diversity and inclusion, discussed how organisations can overcome challenges such as an ageing population, digitalisation and rapidly developing technology and a shift to more sustainable ways of working by embracing inclusion. The event included panel discussions reviewing the Commission's past efforts in fostering equality and non-discrimination and exploring future of diversity and inclusion policies.

date:  11/06/2024

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Keynote Addresses: Commitment to Diversity

In her opening speech, Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli praised the commitment of organisations and communities across Europe, particularly the work of Diversity Charters. She emphasized the vital role of diversity in building resilient and innovative communities, stating:

"Diversity and inclusive policies foster productivity and creativity. When people from different backgrounds work together, innovation happens."

Vice-President of the European Parliament Evelyn Regner echoed these sentiments in her video message, stressing the need for inclusive and safe public spaces for everyone. She praised local authorities for fostering communities where diversity thrives.

Panel Discussion: Building a Union of Equality

The first panel delved into the achievements and ongoing challenges in promoting diversity and inclusion at the policy level. Speakers discussed the tangible impacts of EU policies on work-life balance, pay transparency, and disability rights, while also highlighting the importance of civil society organisations and grassroots initiatives in effecting societal change.

World Café

Participants engaged in a dynamic World Café session, exploring topics such as diversifying workplace leadership in Europe, leveraging active companies to inspire others, utilizing data-driven approaches for DEI strategies, and the role of communication and media in raising awareness. The session allowed for rich exchanges of ideas of representatives from public, business and civil society sectors, generating valuable insights and questions.

Industry Insights: Best Practices for Inclusion

In the second panel, industry leaders from Mastercard, McKinsey, Ignitis Group, and Volvo Cars shared their company initiatives and discussed future steps for diversity and inclusion. They addressed strategies such as redefining gender roles in traditionally male-dominated sectors, promoting open dialogue, and demonstrating the business benefits of diversity initiatives.

Did you miss the event?  Watch the full recording here.  

Relive the inspiring moments and explore photos and highlights here.

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