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100 „loans” during the inaugural D&I Living Library hosted by the Romanian Diversity Charter

To mark #EUDiversityMonth this year, the Romanian Diversity Charter hosted its first D&I Living Library Event for the Charter’s signatories on 30th May at the STUP premises in Bucharest. From 2 to 6 PM, the event provided a unique learning opportunity for our signatories and communities involved, enabling face-to-face dialogues on important D&I topics, and connecting individuals with firsthand organizational and personal experiences.

date:  10/06/2024

The concept mirrored a typical library setup. Signatories seeking more insights into D&I could peruse a pre-defined 'catalogue' featuring available “topics,” select the “living book” they wished to engage in dialogue with and borrow it for a 15-minute conversation. The Living Library registered 100 “loans” during four hours. Topics covered included the inclusion of people with different abilities, LGBT+ inclusion, neurodiversity, age diversity and the challenges faced by the 45+ workforce, ethnic and cultural diversity among others.

The project is a collaborative effort among signatory organizations, aimed at creating a safe and authentic space for open dialogue on D&I topics between “human books” and their “readers.”

Having operated the Charter for six years now, we recognize the importance for our signatory organizations to engage in personal and authentic exchanges with peer organizations facing similar challenges in their D&I journeys. The first edition of the D&I Human Library was a great success and will serve in the future as a powerful tool to effectively promote diversity, challenge discrimination, and advance the D&I agenda of our signatories.

This project was co-funded by the EU Commission and was made possible through the great support of many signatory organizations, to whom we express our gratitude for their trust and engagement.

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