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Inspiration Session during European Diversity Month

On May 14, 2024, an inspiration session took place at the Cinerama Film Theater in Rotterdam (Netherlands), in honor of European Diversity Month. The event, organized in collaboration with the European Commission, UN Global Compact, and Movies that Matter, combined the power of film and in-depth discussions to convey a strong message.

Bob van Bruggen

date:  10/06/2024

A key part of the session was the screening of the documentary "White Balls on Walls." This film offers a penetrating look at the efforts of the City Museum in Amsterdam to achieve greater diversity and inclusion. Directed by Sarah Vos, the documentary follows the changes implemented by director Rein Wolfs since 2019. Wolfs discovered upon his arrival that the collection consisted of 96 percent artworks by white men. He decided that the museum needed to become a more representative reflection of society.

This film shows the challenges and conflicts associated with implementing a diversity policy. It provides an unfiltered behind-the-scenes look at the museum, focusing on uncomfortable conversations about politically correct terminology and societal pressures.

Following the screening, a panel discussion took place, moderated by D&I Expert Nadine Ridder, which delved deeper into the emotions and insights that emerged after watching the film. The session was enriched by inspiring speakers:

  • Jacqueline Prins, Secretary-General of the Social and Economic Council, who opened the day with a powerful speech on the necessity of concrete action to promote equality.
  • Carla Aarendse (Director within the D&I unit for the Rotterdam police), who, with years of experience in the police force, offered inspiring insights into the challenges and successes of striving for an inclusive police unit. Her experiences provided valuable tools for addressing inclusion in their own work environments.
  • Samira Rafaela (European Parliamentarian), who shared valuable insights from her political and personal experiences, bringing the discussion of intersectionality to the forefront.

This event served as a source of inspiration for companies to initiate constructive dialogue through a creative approach. Connecting through film and engaging in meaningful discussions offers an example of how to tackle these themes.

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