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New Platform for the European Diversity Barometer!

We are thrilled to announce the official launch of the newly European Diversity Barometer platform, project led by the Diversity Charter Luxembourg. This innovative and user-friendly platform was designed to foster greater engagement and collaboration across Europe on crucial diversity issues.

date:  10/06/2024

Key Features of the New Platform:

  • European Scope: The platform features the first European Diversity barometer, allowing for comprehensive data collection and analysis across multiple countries.
  • Benchmarking: Signatories can now compare their diversity metrics by country, industry sector, organizational size.
  • Resource Hub: Discover a wealth of resources from all over Europe on various diversity themes, helping organizations to implement best practices and drive positive change.

Collaborative Effort:

The inaugural edition of the barometer has successfully brought together a network of diversity charters from across Europe (member of the inter-charter committee created especially for the development of the project). This collaboration marks a significant milestone in our shared commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion at every level.

Looking Ahead:

The results from this first European Diversity Barometer will be published in the end of 2024. As we move forward, we are excited to extend access to this platform to all European diversity charters. This will enable a unified approach to measuring, analyzing, and enhancing diversity initiatives continent-wide.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights.

Link to the platform:

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