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From Sports to the media: Promoting human rights with cultural leaders, athletes and journalists

The official event, presented by Verónica Chumillas, RTVE Andalucía news editor, highlighted the role of sport, culture and the media in promoting human rights and diversity.

date:  06/06/2024

A debate which organizations from the world of sport such as the Spanish Paralympic Committee, the Real Madrid Football Club and the Real Betis Balompié highlighted the importance of using these channels to raise awareness and promote inclusion has been highlighted, thus contributing to the construction of a more just and equitable society. RTVE is Spain's largest state-owned public media company, and media partner of the European Diversity Month 2024.

The panel was moderated by Reyes Bellver, sports lawyer and patron of the Diversity Foundation, included: María Gil-Fournier, head of Equality and Diversity at the Real Madrid Football Club; Paloma Jiménez Calvo, head of International Relations of the Spanish Paralympic Committee and María Pry, sports director of Real Betis Balompié Féminas.

European Diversity Month has also pointed out that diversity in work teams is a critical factor for business success. The event has emphasized the importance of avoiding prejudice and promoting inclusive leadership. In addition, the need to promote the leadership roles of women in all sectors has been stressed.

The following participated in the table dedicated to the challenges of companies in this changing world of work: Adrián Lasa, from the Representation of the European Commission in Spain; Ainara López, HR director for Southern Europe at Diageo, and Javier Benavente, president of Vivofácil.

Teresa Viejo, president of Fundación Diversidad, explained:

It is essential that all economic sectors commit to diverse teams and inclusive policies. The DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging) is a transversal factor in any type of organization, whether large or small, public or private. At Fundación Diversidad we have been promoting diversity as a lever for competitiveness and innovation in Spain for 15 years. More and more organizations are joining, coming from new provinces and new sectors.”

The European Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, through a video message, highlighted:

 “The Equality Union celebrates our diverse identities and aims to ensure that each person's uniqueness is valued and respected. To achieve this, we must ensure that organizations across the European Union, regardless of their size or sector, collaborate to make equality a reality in the workplace.”

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