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Bulgarian Diversity Charter welcomed new signatories at the Annual Meeting

Bulgarian Diversity Charter held its annual meeting on 14 May at Hilton Sofia. The event brought together the local Diversity Charter community to promote the importance of diverse teams and inclusive workplaces where everyone feels valued and can thrive as well as to foster the exchange of experience and best practice.

date:  06/06/2024

The event in Sofia attracted more than 90 representatives of different sectors: relevant public sector bodies, the business community, civil society organisations that recognize diversity as a key factor for innovation, growth and productivity, as well as for creating a fairer and inclusive social environment. Speakers included Lazar Lazarov, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ana Dzhumalieva, Chairperson of the Commission for Protection against Discrimination, and Dimitar Markov, Director of CSD’s Law Programme, and BBLF President Levon Hampartzoumian.

The large-scale get-together of Bulgarian Diversity Charter signatories old and new also doubled as a celebration of European Diversity Month 2024 in an effort to raise awareness of the benefits of diversity and inclusion in workplaces but also throughout society creating equal societies.

In addition, new Charter signatories received their membership certificates at a high-profile ceremony. CEOs and senior managers of more than 30 companies and organisations that had signed the document over the past year had the opportunity to share what motivates them to put equality and inclusion values to practice.

The following companies and NGOs received their membership certificates: Advanced Management Consulting; Agency for Control of Outstanding Debts; American University in Bulgaria; Applied Education Academy Sindeo; Cognyte; Digital Technology Center Commerzbank AG Sofia; Entain Services (Bulgaria); InterImage; Investbank; Kamenitza; Kaufland Bulgaria; Kiflab; Lindstrom; Maria’s World Foundation; Matter; Mum Got a Job Foundation; National Electric Company; Senior Careers Foundation; Sensata Technologies Bulgaria; Social Future Foundation; Stray Sheep; Taulia Bulgaria; Trust for Social Achievement; Yettel Bulgaria; Zentiva.

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