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European Network on Monitoring Antisemitism launched

16 April 2024 - The EU-funded European Network on Monitoring Antisemitism (ENMA) was launched at the Representation of the European Commission in Berlin. The aim is to complement the Vienna process by Member States to develop a common methodology in the EU on recording of antisemitic incidents. To get the full picture it is necessary to record illegal incident as well as “lawful but awful” content that creates a toxic everyday environment for Jews.

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Combating antisemitism

date:  14/05/2024

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About ENMA, Ms. von Schnurbein stated:

“You need to make antisemitism visible in order to be able to fight it. Currently we are missing a scientific methodology that has the trust of the Jewish communities. The EU is supporting the establishment of the European Network Monitoring Antisemitism to strengthen the capacity among organisations that monitor incidents across Europe. Getting an adequate picture of antisemitism in our societies is a precondition to properly inform politicians and decision makers. We welcome that RIAS is teaming up with Czulent and the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, and belief that ENMA’s methodology has the potential to make a very significant contribution to our common fight against antisemitism.”

The European Network on Monitoring Antisemitism (ENMA) is a coalition of Jewish and non-Jewish civil-society organisations in Europe, with the goal of providing comparable data on antisemitic incidents. ENMA aims to build a sustainable reporting infrastructure that will serve Jewish communities and affected persons across Europe. Furthermore, ENMA serves as a gateway to data on antisemitism for Jewish communities,  decision makers, academics and journalists.

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