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Open calls for proposals under the CERV programme!

4 calls for proposals are open, do not miss these funding opportunities!

date:  26/04/2024





1. Call for proposals to promote civil society organisations’ awareness of, capacity building and implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

  • Link to apply
  • Call document
  • Budget16 million EUR
  • Deadline to apply for funding: 18 September 2024
  • Online info session: 27-28 May 2024 (in the morning) (more info will be soon availbale on EACEA website)

A budget of 16 million EUR is available to promote civil society organisations’ awareness of, capacity building and implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights!

This call has five priorities:

  1. Capacity-building and awareness raising on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
  2. Promoting rights and values by empowering the civic space
  3. Strategic litigation
  4. Protecting EU values and rights by combating hate crime and hate speech
  5. Supporting an enabling environment for the protection of whistleblowers

and it is intended to support the following EU policy strategies:

2. Call for proposals on European Remembrance

Are you a civil society organisation active at local, regional, national, and/or transnational level? Do you work for an educational, cultural or research institution or university? Do you represent an international organisation working in this field? The European Remembrance Call is for you!

This call supports projects aimed at commemorating defining events in modern European history and at raising awareness among European citizens of their common history, culture, cultural heritage and values.

Four priorities for the year 2024:

  1. Democratic transition, (re-)building and strengthening society based on the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights
  2. Strengthening the remembrance of the Holocaust, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity to reinforce democracy in the EU
  3. Migration, de-colonisation and multicultural European societies
  4. European integration and its defining achievements

3. Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children

A budget of 24,8 million EUR is available to support projects on preventing and combating gender-based violence and violence against children!

Four priorities for the year 2024:

  1. Large-scale and long-term transnational actions on tackling gender-based violence;
  2. Targeted actions for the protection of and support for victims and survivors of gender-based violence;
  3. Targeted actions for the prevention of gender-based violence, in the domestic sphere, in intimate relationships, and online, including through targeted actions with perpetrators;
  4. Targeted actions making integrated child protection systems work in practice.

This call for proposal is intended to support the following EU policy strategies:

4. Call for proposals for Town Twinning 

  • Link to apply
  • Call document
  • Budget4 million EUR
  • Deadline to apply for funding19 September 2024
  • Online info session: 16 May 2024 (10:00-13:00 CET) (click here to register)

Are you a local or regional authority representative? Do you work for an association of municipalities and/or regions? Are you a civil society organisation working with the local government? The call Town Twinning is for you! The Town Twinning call aims to promote exchanges between citizens of different countries to give them practical experience of the wealth and diversity of the common heritage of the Union and to make them aware that these constitute the foundation for a common future.


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