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Inclusive Workplace. Diversity Certification Scheme

We are thrilled to announce a dynamic collaboration between Diversity Charter Greece and Eurocert, marking the beginning of an exciting partnership that holds great promise for both entities and the communities we serve.

date:  09/04/2024

The European Organisation for Testing and Certification (EUROCERT) and the Diversity Charter Greece have taken the initiative to work together to develop a Diversity Certification Scheme. After the implementation of these requirements and the implementation of the necessary actions, the companies will be given the opportunity to be certified, after a relevant assessment by a team of EUROCERT and D&I staff. Companies that are successfully assessed will be awarded a Certificate and will be entitled to use the Diversity Label under the tittle Inclusive Workplace. The collaboration allows both organizations to reach new markets and audiences, broadening our influence and making a more significant difference. We look forward to a fruitful and enduring partnership that creates lasting value for our organizations and the broader community.

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