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EU Diversity Month: planned activities in Italy

Sodalitas Foundation (The Italian Diversity Charter) has planned the following initiatives to celebrate the Diversity Month in our Country

date:  09/04/2024

Deploy your talents-Final Event

Deploy your Talents is the project created by CSR Europe and developed in Italy by Fondazione Sodalitas, which aims to revitalize the studies of technical-scientific disciplines and overcome the gender stereotypes that characterize them, building partnerships between schools and businesses.

The eleventh Italian edition involves 21 companies and 16 secondary schools.

The final event will be held on May 23 to present the results and performances on the contents learned by students thanks to the support of the companies involved.

La mia impresa il mio futuro-Final Event

The project “La mia impresa il mio future” ("My company, my future") aims to support young generation in strengthening their entrepreneurial and sustainability skills, through entrepreneurship education and the creation of sustainable and innovative business.

Each group of students tries its hand at devising a startup, applying typical business tools and coming up with a business plan. The students are supported in a training course by Sodalitas and the project partner companies.

A dedicated jury, composed of the partner companies, will evaluate the projects and select the finalists who will be invited to participate in the project's closing event, scheduled for May 30.

At that event, the jury will award the best projects.

The project involves 14 companies and more than 2000 students 

Workshop on gender pay gap

Next 5th June we will organize a workshop for our companies in partnership with Jones Day (a legal firm), focusing on the gender pay gap and the new EU Directive on Pay Transparency.

The workshop will include an introductory part on the topic with Italian data on the gender gap, an analysis part on current Italian and European norms and directives and at the end 2 case history form our signatories on what they are doing to close the gender pay gap.

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