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Joint Effort in the Budapest Business Sphere to Support the Proportional Composition of Leading Bodies and the Participation of Women

The Budapest Stock Exchange (BÉT), the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum (HBLF) and the Institute of Directors (IoD) signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 7 March 2024 in Budapest, Hungary to support diversity in the decision-making bodies of domestic companies.

date:  09/04/2024

The Memorandum of Understanding is intended to promote the European Parliament's 2022 directive in Hungary, according to which by July 2026, more than 40% of the decision-making bodies (in terms of all director positions) of large EU companies listed on the stock exchange must be filled by the underrepresented gender.

Several organizations expressed their support for the initiative and joined as signatories: the British Chamber of Commerce in Hungary, the French-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Hungarian Association of Executives, Joint Venture Association, the Netherlands-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce, and the Women in Energy association.

Read the full article here.

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