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Open now: Call to strengthen remembrance of the Holocaust, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity to reinforce democracy in the EU

A new call for proposals for EU action grants in the field of European Remembrance under the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Value Programme (CERV) has been published.

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date:  16/02/2024

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See alsoCall for proposals - priority 2

The legacy of recent European history is a crucial pillar of the values the EU stands  for. At a time marked by historical distortion and revisionism, a return of war in Europe due to the Russian aggression against Ukraine, and an unprecedented rise of antisemitism and other forms of hatred in Europe, following the terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israel on 7 October 2023, remembrance of and education about common 20th century European experiences become even more pertinent for all parts of society, particularly for the next generation and people in positions of power. 

The "Strengthening the remembrance of the Holocaust, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity to reinforce democracy in the EU" is priority 2 of the CERV Programme. 

Planned opening date: 05 March 2024
Deadline date: 06 June 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time
Budget priority 2: 8.880.000 EUR 


Call document
(871 KB - PDF)
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