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Join us in May in celebrating European Diversity Month!

The 5th EU Diversity Month theme is ”Embracing the future of work through inclusion and diversity”.

date:  13/02/2024

See alsoEU diversity 2024 initiatives

ContactEU Platform of Diversity Charters

Equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace is a continuing challenge, in particular in times of significant changes such as accelerated digitalisation and automation, increased use of artificial intelligence, or increased care needs related to the demographic change. All those transformations have an impact on inclusive organisational culture: they can pose serious threats but they can also be turned into opportunities.

“Thousands of EU-based companies and organisations in different sectors and of different sizes are actively enhancing inclusion and belonging in their workplaces. They are thus contributing to a Union of Equality, where everyone is valued and appreciated for who they are. Diversity and inclusion policies in the workplace can also help organisations, employers and workers, embrace the opportunities of a changing world of work, spurred by the demographic, green and technological transitions.”

Helena Dalli, European Commissioner for Equality

Celebrated each May, European Diversity Month draws attention to the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This is your organisation’s chance to take a stand and promote diversity and inclusion.

Get involved

Whether or not you are signatory to a diversity charter, this is the month to celebrate and promote diversity in the workplace and society, to raise awareness of the benefits of diversity and inclusion, and to show how they impact your organisation.

Whether you

  • communicate internally and/or externally on your commitment for equal and inclusive workplaces,
  • organise seminars, roundtables, workshops
  • volunteer to a NGO
  • or sign your national Diversity Charter

every action counts!

Need inspiration?

Visit our website and see the materials we have prepared for you - guide to celebrate EU Diversity Month, social media toolkit and downloadable visuals to promote your own events.

And don't forget - we want to hear from you! So put your event/activity on the Diversity Map!


#UnitedInDiversity #DiversityCharters #UnionOfEquality

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