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Czech Diversity Charter celebrates its 10th anniversary

This year Czech Diversity Charter celebrates its 10th anniversary. That's why we are happy to bring the Czech labor market and all employers our contribution in the form of the Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass project. The project was funded by the European Union, program Law, Equality and Citizenship (2014-2020).

date:  13/02/2024

Main aim of the project is to strengthen and continuously support the positive perception of diversity and inclusion in the Czech labor market by employers as important values for the future as an integral part of sustainability and Just transition.

In the Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass project, we have created open tools that would enable a wide range of employers to understand the importance of diversity and inclusion, its topics, and benefits and challenges in the workplace. This project is in a way unique in the Czech Republic and can potentially impact many employers from private sector, public administration or academic sphere. The key activities of the project include an open analytical tool Diversity Compass designed especially for less experienced employers in diversity and inclusion for a quick indicative mapping and measuring. Another tool is the Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass Toolkit, a package with articles, studies, recordings from workshops and conferences, podcasts and videos including the overarching publication called a Guide to the MasterClass. All of these tools form the unique model for a greater awareness, education for the implementation of diversity and inclusion principles and processes and further development for all employers in the Czech republic, but also in other EU countries. In particular, the online tool Diversity Compass is easy to use and is also in English, which makes it a widely applicable analytical tool for employers not only in the Czech Republic.

We believe that the whole set of tools within the Diversity & Inclusion MasterClass project will continue to have a positive impact on the Czech labour market and spread the awareness about the diversity and inclusion. We can already see an increased interest in the use of Diversity Compass and other tools; and during the realization of the project more than 40 new signatories have joined the Czech Diversity Charter. We believe that you will find this tool interesting and useful.


Link to Diversity Compass tool

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