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Supporting activities outside the EU under both the CERV and Justice programmes? It will soon be possible!

Formal procedures for the participation of non-EU countries in the Citizens, Equality, Values and Rights (CERV) programme and in the Justice programme are now nearing completion for a number of third Countries. Curious to know more?

date:  01/12/2023


The Countries which are close to join DG JUST funding programmes are:

  • Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo and Ukraine for the CERV programme
  • Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Ukraine for the Justice programme

Such participation will give these Countries the opportunity to benefit from EU funding for projects selected through calls under the CERV and Justice programmes.

For the CERV programme, which funds public, private, non-profit and profit-oriented organisations, this means vital support to promote fundamental rights, such as equality and non-discrimination, the rights of the child and data protection and to strengthen the respect for the rule of law. It also means support to prevent and combat gender-based violence against women as well as all forms of violence against children and other groups at risk and support for people’s participation in EU democratic life and raising awareness about Europe’s common history.

For the Justice programme, which funds mainly activities for the judiciary and judicial staff but it is also open to academic/research institutes and civil-society organisations, this means participating in the development of a European area of justice based on the rule of law, mutual recognition, mutual trust and judicial cooperation. It also means support for judicial training, to improve judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters and for more effective access to justice for all.

Are you thinking to submit a new project proposal in partnership with some non-EU Countries?

In each call document, section 6 on eligibility, you always find a link which shows the list of participating Countries (i.e. non-EU Countries which can be involved in projects funded under the CERV and Justice programme) and also Countries which are currently negotiating their association agreement with the Commission. 

The list is updated regularly for both programmes:

List of participating Countries for the CERV programme

List of participating Countries for the Justice programme

You can add in your Consortium both entities/organisations from non-EU Countries which are already associated to the two programmes or which are still in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement. In this last case, what matters, if your proposal will be selected for funding, is that the agreements with the third Countries that are part of your Consortium need to enter into force before the grant signature.

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