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It's time for the European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award!

The award is open to all local authorities, including towns, cities and regions of the EU Member States. Discover the 2024 edition which includes an interesting novelty!

date:  21/12/2023




Inagurated in 2022, the award is one of the deliverables of the EU anti-racism action plan and LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025 and it shows how actions at all levels are essential to build a Union of Equality. It complements the annual EU Diversity Month, which raises awareness about the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and across our societies.

Specifically, the European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award recognises and rewards local authorities across the EU that actively promote inclusion and diversity and help to build a fairer Europe. The competition is a chance for cities, towns or regions in the EU to highlight policies and initiatives that create more diverse and inclusive spaces for their citizens. 

The award is given in two main categories:

• local authorities with less than 50 000 inhabitants 

• local authorities with more than 50 000 inhabitants

In 2024, a Specific Award for local authorities enabling safe towns, cities and regions for women in all their diversity, by addressing violence against women will also be handed out. There will be three winners in this category and the number of inhabitants is not a factor for this award.

Best practices covering all grounds of discrimination under article 19 of TFEU and their intersectionality are eligible. 

The deadline to enter applications is 15 February 2024 and the award ceremony and the opening event of the EU Diversity Month will take place on 25 April 2024


How to apply and discover more? 

Check the dedicated website (available in all official EU languages). 

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