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5th Diversity In Business Conference 2023

This year's Diversity in Business Conference had it all! Influential personalities, inspirational speeches, meaningful discussions, stand-up comedy, measurable results and certification of diversity policies, interaction game and a social responsibility action for young people.

date:  12/12/2023

For the 5th year, the Diversity in Business Conference was organized by Diversity Charter Greece at Zappeion Megaron, bringing together representatives of institutions and bodies, as well as top executives from important companies and organizations in Greece and important personalities with proven activity in the sensitive field of inclusion and diversity.

Through the rich content of the Conference, issues, actions and practices were discussed and analyzed in all pillars of Diversity: gender, age, race, color, disability, chronic disease, national/ethnic origin, sexual orientation and gender identity.

The Conference proved to be an excellent platform for dialogue, the exchange of ideas and the strengthening of diversity advocacy in Greek businesses. Participants had the opportunity to listen to original ideas, participate in valuable discussions, and even connect with other business organizations.

Particularly important was the contribution of speakers, partners, sponsors, media and all the contributors who, through their cooperation and dedication, helped in the success of this year's event.

The Diversity in Business Conference renews its appointment for October 2024! 

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