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EU Children’s Participation Platform

The EU Children’s Participation Platform was set up a year ago and welcomes all children and teenagers under the age of 18, living in the EU. It's a key milestone of the EU strategy on the Rights of the Child.

date:  01/12/2023


It opens doors to include children in discussions and decision-making across the EU, creates links among existing child participation groups at local, national and EU level and it also helps adults understand what children need and what the child participation is about.

To sum up, the Platform connects children, policy makers and experts willing to cooperate in order to:

1) respect the right of the children to be heard;


2) include them in work of the EU;


3) work better on child participation at national and local level (currently, more than 50 organisations from 21 EU Member States joined the Platform).



Interested in joining the Platform?

An application needs to come from:

  • an existing organisation/municipality or school, e.g. existing children’s parliaments, children’s councils (at the local, city or municipality level)
  • ombudspersons for children 
  • all organisations that support children in being heard

More information about the Platform, how to join, what has been happening lately and what is planned are available here.

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