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“LBTQ+ at work” was the theme of our monthly digital live seminar

The moderator Aaron Kroon, Multi-Awarded Leader and Diversity Trailblazer and HR Executive, told us about his experiences of the culture of silence in Swedish business life in the mid-90s.

Gabriella Fredriksson IKEA, Aaron Kroon moderator & Karl Yves Vallin RFSL

date:  09/10/2023

Back then it was "okay to be black and gay, as long as you didn't make a big deal out of it".

He was clear that it is required:

Strategy - Not just a question for HR. Must be seen at a strategic level
Measurability - must be able to measure and evaluate
Leadership - Inclusive Leadership must be practiced by all
Courage - The fear of doing wrong leads to passivity

The expert Karl Yves Vallin, Managing Director at RFSL, The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Rights,  highlighted, among other things, that the situation for LGBTQ+ people in Sweden is not as good as we think, for example:

-          42% often or always avoid holding hands with their  partner in Sweden

-          22% in Sweden often or always avoid certain places due to fear of being assaulted

-          34% of LGBTQ students (15-17 years old) in Sweden say they hide that they are LGBTQ at school.

The member example IKEA Sweden with Gabriella Fredriksson Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Leader was clear that if you are accepted and respected, it will also be good for the company!
IKEA works actively with Inclusion in the workplace through:

·         Values – message

·         Guidelines and support

·         Knowledge – action

·         Celebration


You can watch our digital seminars at our YouTube-channel.

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