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The players of the Spanish Women's Football Team, recognized at the Spanish Diversity Charter Awards

The Spanish Diversity Charter, Fundación Diversidad, has announced that the players of the Spanish Women's Football Team will be awarded a special mention at the IX Fundación Diversidad Awards. This recognition celebrates the transcendental contribution of the players to the world of sport and to Spanish society as a whole.

Spanish Diversity Charter

date:  09/10/2023

Thanks to their work and a coherent and brave message, the players have emerged as extremely influential figures in society, impacting on various levels. Its power lies in its ability to convey a powerful message of sisterhood and empowerment. Through their perseverance and skills, they have not only revolutionized the way sport is perceived, but have also used their voices on and off the field, leveraging the media and social networks to promote values ​​of gender equality.

Female players are leading a significant change in the perception of the sport. Their commitment to excellence and equality is paving the way for a more inclusive and diverse sport, where gender barriers are broken down and doors are opened to new fans,” said María Eugenia Girón, President of Fundación Diversidad.

The achievement of the world champions not only redefines the limits of the sport itself, but also opens the way for other women's sports disciplines, many of which are even more minority and face even greater challenges. By raising the visibility and recognition of female footballers, a vital precedent is created so that other female athletes can be inspired and gain support.

The IX Diversity Foundation Awards recognize companies and organizations for their good practices in managing diversity in the world of work (Categories: SMEs, large companies, institutions and public companies, Special Employment Centres, NGOs and entities in the world of culture or sports ). The jury also has the prerogative of granting special recognition to those personalities in the media field whose messages in favour of diversity and inclusion in Spain have been influential.

The awards ceremony will take place in Madrid on November 30.

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