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AQTIVATE Kick-off Event at the University of Cyprus: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

In an era where diversity and inclusion have become pivotal facets of a thriving workplace, the AQTIVATE Kick-off Event held at the University of Cyprus on September 29, 2023, served as a beacon of inspiration and change. This remarkable gathering brought together thought leaders, educators, students, and professionals, all with the common goal of fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Diversity Charter Cyprus

date:  09/10/2023

AQTIVATE: Empowering Through Inclusion

AQTIVATE, an initiative rooted in the belief that diverse perspectives and inclusive environments drive innovation and progress, embarked on its journey with a resounding kick-off event. With its mission to empower individuals and organizations to create inclusive workplaces, the event was a testament to the power of collaboration, dialogue, and education.


Opening Remarks

The event highlighted the importance of diversity and inclusion in academic and professional settings, emphasizing that it is not just about embracing differences but actively engaging with them to create a richer, more vibrant community.

Keynote Speaker: Eleni Ploutarchou

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