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Online registration open for the workshop “The revival of urban and rural spaces for an inclusive Europe”

Within the framework of the annual European Week of Regions and Cities, that will take place between 9-12 October 2023, EACEA and DG JUST are organising a workshop to present ongoing projects under the CERV programme which are in line with the New Bauhaus Initiative. The workshop will take place on 11 October 2023 at 2:30 pm at the SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre.

date:  11/09/2023

Attendees will hear directly from CERV programme beneficiaries about initiatives that have become a catalyst for the green transformation by mainstreaming the guiding principles of the New European Bauhaus.

The main characteristics of this type of initiatives are: sustainability, harmony with nature and the environment, and inclusiveness, with the final objective of increasing and inspiring dialogues across cultures, disciplines, genders and ages. 

Would you like to learn more?

You can register for the event at: The revival of urban and rural spaces for an inclusive Europe | European Week of Regions and Cities (

About the European Week of Regions and Cities:

The European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy. It has grown to become a unique communication and networking platform, bringing together regions and cities from all over Europe, including politicians, administrators, experts and academics. Discover more about this year’s programme with more than 300 sessions on digital transition, youth empowerment, the green transition and territorial


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