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Short report on the 2nd info session on the call CERV-2023-CITIZENS-CIV

The 2nd info session to promote the 2023 call for proposals to foster citizens’ engagement and participation took place on 29 June with 370 participants.

date:  24/07/2023

This second info session was organised around three main parts: the policy part, the technical part on the lump sums’ particularities and another one on how to apply. Advice on how to collaborate with partners and how to submit a successful proposal has also been part of this info session. Lastly, participants have been informed about the activities of National Contact Points (NCPs).

The largest slot of the session was dedicated to Questions & Answers (Q&A), where participants received instant and hands-on feedback on their questions for about 2.5 hours. The in-depth discussions during the Q&A session were very much appreciated by the participants who had the opportunity to clarify pending unclarities. 



On 20 April 2023, a first info session was held to provide detailed information about the call but, considering the increased budget (25.4 MEUR in 2023 compared to 17.4 MEUR in 2022), it was deemed necessary to organise a second info session to further promote the call, also because there won’t be another call to foster citizens’ engagement and participation in 2024.

The values and priorities that this call represents are more pertinent than ever nowadays. Promoting active citizen engagement is of vital importance for the EU civil society. The call for proposals to foster citizens’ engagement and participation  aims to engage more EU citizens in our democracies and in the decision-making. Overall, the call will strive to establish networks among EU citizens with the further ambition to reach those citizens who are not active in civic participation in their everyday life.

The 2023 call on citizens’ engagement and participation (CERV-2023-CITIZENS-CIV) opened on 4 April 2023 and the deadline to apply is on 5 September 2023, 17:00 CET.

Do not miss this opportunity!

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