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2022 Union Values call: time for regranting!

Do not miss the calls for proposals launched by the intermediaries of the 2022 UV call! These calls are addressed to civil society organisations (CSOs) active at local, regional and/or national level.

date:  24/07/2023

The 2022 call for proposals on protecting and promoting Union values was launched with the aim of protecting, promoting and raising awareness of EU fundamental rights and values by supporting local, regional and/or national civil society organisations and increasing their capacity. Ultimately, the aim is to strengthen the effective application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the respect of the rule of law and democracy in the EU.

The call allowed the selection of 16 intermediaries who will be able to build the capacities of a large number of so-called “third parties”, i.e. civil society organisations (CSOs) active at local, regional and/or national level in the fields covered by the CERV programme, including through providing them with financial support.

The table below provides the list of the 16 awarded projects, their thematic focus as well as the link to their webpages where information on their activities to support third parties is available. Projects are clustered by country where third party activities take place. The table provides the latest information available as of 8 June 2023.


Table 16 projects UV call 2022
(147 KB - PDF)
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