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Last meeting of the CERV National Contact Points

On 12-13 June 2023 the CERV National Contact Points (NCPs) came together in Stockholm to meet under the Swedish EU Presidency. NCPs can answer your questions on funding possibilities, help you find partners and provide your organisation with support in applying for funding under the CERV programme.

date:  24/07/2023

This was the second time NCPs were seeing one another in person since the launch of the CERV programme. The meeting was spread over two days and provided an opportunity to discuss the many dimensions of the CERV programme, share best practices and learn from one another on how to address common challenges in rolling out CERV in the best way possible.

Since their creation in 2021, the NCPs have developed an online community, created a partner search portal and organised joint events on a regular basis. To find out more about those activities and upcoming events, you can follow them on Facebook !

If you want to know more about EU funding opportunities for projects under the CERV programme, do not hesitate to contact one of the National Contact Points. They can answer your questions on funding possibilities, help you find partners and provide your organisation with support in applying for funding under the CERV programme.

The CERV programme currently has 21 National Contact Points. The list and contact details of CERV National Contact Points can be found on the CERV webpage or on the Europe around me webpage.


Information about the CERV programme (including calls for proposals) and the projects it funds can be found on the European Commission’s Funding and Tender portal.

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