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Looking back at the European Diversity Month and looking forward to more organisations measuring diversity and inclusion

Celebrated each May, European Diversity Month draws attention to the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This year’s theme focused on assessing diversity and inclusion.

date:  17/07/2023

ContactEU Platform of Diversity Charters

For the fourth time, the European Commission and the national Diversity Charters joined forces in putting the diversity and inclusion firmly in employers agenda. Diversity and inclusion can't be a side issue, it has to be included in organisation strategy with a commitment from the top management. It requires commitment, work and investement 365 days a year, but it is also important to celebrate what has been achieved. Every organisation contributes to raising awareness on the importance of diversity and creating environment where everyone feels they belong and can thrive.

It is not only to encourage organisations in Europe to act for diversity. Also the European Commission takes actively part in the European Diversity Month. We kicked off the European Diversity Month with the opening event on 28 April. The day with panel discussions, good practice sharing and personal testimonies was thought provoking and inspiring, but also gave the participants a chance to build new relationships.

To support organisations, in private and public sectors, small and big in taking their first steps towards measuring diversity and inclusion policies, the European Commission launched a Diversity Self-Assessment Tool. Use our Diversity Self-Assessment Tool to see where your organisation currently stands, if you are a Diversity Champion, Pioneer, Explorer or Beginner and to begin to explore how you might make further progress on this journey.

Missed the opening event or want to refresh your memory? Not to worry, you can view the photos, highlights and the recording of the event on the EU Diversity 2023 website


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