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EUDiversity Month 2023. Building bridges in Poland

May is broadly celebrated by EU member countries. European Diversity Month is one of flagship activities held by Diversity Charters Platform that Poland is a part of.

date:  17/07/2023

Main topic of this year’s celebration was  measuring and managing diversity and inclusion. Thematic scope of it varied from people with disabilities to older and LGBTQ+ employees. Building bridges was the motto that labeled directed events throughout Poland and other 25 signatory states.

Almost every Thursday of May, the Responsible Business Forum in Poland, which coordinates Polish Diversity Charter, organized events aimed to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion promotion. They were referred to as diversity thursdays.

May 11 was a day of grand opening that took place in a Sopot multimedia library. After displaying Helena Dalli’s message to European DEI supporters, two debates were held there. First one was dedicated to the role of companies and local governments in preparation for the challenges related to the ageing society. Another one covered children’s literature which develops tolerance. Professors but also social and commercial leaders were giving their insights when asked by Responsible Forum in Poland representatives (Marzena Strzelczak and Anna Szczerbaczewicz). There was also a workshop on facts and myths on hiring   people with disabilities. After all, an “Elephant” (2022) queer movie was screened and there was a debate that followed.

One week later, May 18, the celebration came digital. Integralia Foundation experts kicked off, giving a talk on supporting people with disabilities on their way to fulfilment and success in a workplace. Then, an interactive quiz designed to break down stereotypes was introduced. It helped participants with sorting out myths from the facts regarding people with disabilities on a labour market.

May 25 was dedicated to the final gala held in Warsaw. It beginned with a speech delivered by a literary critic who touched upon how non-fiction books enhance diversity. Journalists from mass media took over to address diversity and inclusion awareness-raising. Moreover, findings of Diversity IN Check (3rd edition) survey were announced. Following the study outcomes which shed a light on the most advanced Polish employers in terms of D&I management, a discussion with experts in the field of measuring DEI was set up. The last point of the agenda was a participatory drama on workplace discrimination. It called an audience to action and gave them tools to effectively fight against ageism, sexism and other forms of discriminatory practices.

Locations of the events were applicable to the needs of people with disabilities. Polish sign language interpreters made sure that everyone could actively participate.

The Polish Diversity Month was run by the Responsible Business Forum, the coordinator of the Polish Diversity Charter. List of partner organisations that supported the celebration includes Orange Poland), ERGO Hestia and Polpharma. Main aim of the one-month long ceremony was to raise awareness of the diversity and inclusion topics.

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