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The D&I training workshop “Diversity&Inclusion: promoting inclusion through confrontation”

The D&I training workshop “Diversity&Inclusion: promoting inclusion through confrontation” dedicated to our member companies and signatories of the Italian Diversity Charter was held on 30 May. Organised as part of the European Diversity Month and funded by the European Commission, the meeting was attended by 23 people from 20 companies. Through the use of diversophy® cards, trainer Maura Di Mauro showed us how confrontation, sharing and action are fundamental to foster inclusive workplaces.

date:  17/07/2023

After the past few years of online events, virtual relationships and little practical experimentation, due to Covid pandemic, we have offered our companies an experiential time together to share thoughts, best practices, but also the problems they face in managing D&I and network.

The workshop has been based on the edutainment approach and focused on some important D&I-related issues.

People have been invited to play in small groups with the Diversity & Inclusion Cards® game, part of the Diversophy® series. Diversity & Inclusion Cards® game was developed to support the facilitation of DEI learning contexts, aimed to support participants’ comprehension of the impacts and of the value of diversity and inclusion.

After playing, participants have reflected and discussed all together on their learnings and given suggestions on what the Italian charter could do for them and what kind of working groups to create together in coming months. Diversity & Inclusion Cards® game have stimulated participants’ curiosity and interactions through discussions, and have promoted the development of intercultural and diversity & inclusion skills, both at interpersonal and organizational level

Even the location was chosen for its consistency with D&I. Cascina Cuccagna is in fact a 17th century farmhouse in the heart of Milan transformed into a regenerated public space thanks to the ideas and contribution of the citizens/the local community.

Today is a meeting point, open to the public, where many activities and projects come to life related to the development of sustainable lifestyles, food issues, ethical production and consumption, reuse, recycling and inclusion.

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