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European Diversity Month's activities in Greece

One more year we celebrated the European Diversity Month through actions and synergies with the aim of “sending” the message of diversity and inclusion as far as possible.

date:  17/07/2023

We started with a video showed an emotional story between two colleagues who while they were so different there was something that connect them and that is love. The aim of the video was to inform and raise awareness among the public about the values of diversity in Greek companies. The video was shown on TV and of course in the digital world!

And we continued with the Open Diversity Day on the theme of Feel Free to be Yourself. We co-organized this event together with Athens Pride and we invited people from the LGBTIQ+ community to share true stories together. Many executives of big companies who participated in the event were excited, inspired, and supportive to our purpose.

Last but not least, we organized the Diversity & Inclusion Training Program, in which 18 companies, members of the Diversity Charter Greece had the opportunity to participate. A full educational training program that has been designed by KEAN and its coworkers specialized on matters of Diversity and Inclusion. The Diversity & Inclusion Training is mostly experiential and interactive while it implements some basic theory sections playing a supportive role. 

We wish every year that the message of diversity will travel further and further and will meet even more people, and we are here to support this journey!

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