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An intersectional focus on Diversity

Diversity Charter Denmark hosted our annual Signing Event on the 9th of May. As it was diversity month, we celebrated diversity together with our signatories (both old and new ones) by officially signing the charter together. The theme of the day was intersectionality in the workplace, as we want to talk about diversity across different identity markers and how those intersect.

date:  17/07/2023

The event included presentations from 3 of the signers of Diversity Charter Denmark on how they are working with diversity, breaks for networking, a presentation on intersectionality by our key speaker Uzma Ahmed and a conversation between 3 persons with different minority backgrounds about which barriers they meet on the labor market, and what can be done in order for them to feel more included.

We were happy to see so many people (both signatories and non-signatories) at the event. The energy was great, and it truly felt like a celebration!

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