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European Commission attends AJC Global Forum 2023 in Tel Aviv

11 & 12 June 2023 - The European Commission represented by Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life, Margaritis Schinas, and the Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, Katharina von Schnurbein, addressed the AJC Global Forum 2023 that took place in Tel Aviv.

date:  19/06/2023

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Vice President Margaritis Schinas delivered a keynote speech in the Opening Plenary, highlighting the determined efforts of the European Union in combating antisemitism across its member states and worldwide and re-emphasised the importance of fostering and strengthening EU-Israel relations in the future. He stated

"Our commitment and our blueprint was to address one of the most pressing challenges  of our time, strenghten security of Jewish communities in Europe,  tackling online antisemitism, promoting Holocaust remembrance and teaching future generations about Jewish life and history. The strategy simply aims to bring an end to antisemitism in Europe. But to do that, we must not leave any blind sports. This is why our work is firmly rooted in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism as a tool to detect the various contemporary forms of antisemitic bias."

VP Schinas further continued by saying:

"For us Europeans standing up against antisemitism and ensuring that Jewish life can continue to flourish in Europe is much more than a policy objective, is an historic durty. Preserving the memory of the Shoah is the cornerstone of the unprecedented peace project that the EU is all about."


Coordinator Katharina von Schnurbein took part in a conversation with International Envoys on the fight against antisemitism. Alongside special envoys from the US, UK, Germany, the Netherlands, the Organisations of American states and the OSCE, Ms. von Schnurbein received the inaugural David Harris award as they "have tirelessly devoted themselves to exposing and confronting the scourge of antisemitism around the world." In her acceptance speech on behalf of all recipients, she thanked AJC for amplifying the voices of the envoys.


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