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Vice-President Schinas speaks at the EJA Conference 'Shaping the future of European Jewry together'

15 May 2023 - European Commission Vice-President for Promoting Our European Way of Life, Margaritis Schinas, addressed in a video message the European Jewish Association Annual Conference 'Shaping the future of European Jewry together' taking place in Porto.

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Combating antisemitism

date:  12/05/2023

See alsoVideo message

In his message, Vice-President Schinas stated:

"As we intensify our work for the implementation of our first ever EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life we rely greatly on the input and cooperation of major Jewish civil society organisations (...). Putting an end to antisemitism in all its forms and keeping the memory of the Shoah alive is a mission we all share and that we are determined to pursue it tiresly, relentlessly together. 

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