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European Commission displays exhibition “Saving Ukrainians in War Times"

2 May 2023 - The European Commission displayed in its headquarters in Brussels the exhibition “Saving Ukrainians in War Times – Evacuation and Emergency Supplies" with the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine.

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date:  12/05/2023

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Through the project 'Life-saving emergency assistance to and evacuation of people in Ukraine (2022 / 432-839)', the Commission helped organisations on the ground deliver emergency supplies across Ukraine and to contribute to saving the Ukrainian population during Russia’s war of aggression against the country.

In his opening speech, Commissioner Várhelyi stated:

"Our help for Ukraine and its citizens together with the international community must and will continue as long as the war rages on, and even beyond, during the years of recovery and reconstruction. Since the start of the war, the European Union has made available EUR 68 billion to support Ukraine. But the damages are huge, and the needs are enormous. We need to work together with Ukraine and other international partners to rebuild the country. In this regard, I am confident that trusted and reliable partners like the Federation will continue to play an important role together with us. Your contribution at times of war also help to rebuild the country with a thriving Jewish community. A peaceful and prosperous Ukraine that cherishes its Jewish culture and identity."

The project achieved the following results:

  • 6,700 life-saving emergency kits were distributed to families in 180 communities (each package consisted of essential non-perishable food products, water and hygiene supplies);
  • 563 emergency medical packages were delivered to those with chronic diseases or who need minor healthcare support;
  • 1,801 Ukrainians were evacuated to refugee centres abroad. Support included transport, accommodation, meals, moderate medical support, and legal aid.
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